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Hi there!
Nice to e-meet you :-)
Next to my corporate career, I'm on a mission to make the world an even better and more conscious place, by spreading, positivity, kindness, laughter, yoga, leadership tools & modern meditation for busy people, like many of us
As no other, I understand the struggle of being and staying 'zen' in a hectic environment, especially after working for almost 15 years in law in the corporate world.
In light hereof, I've 3 passions that I love to share with the world. You can find two of these below and one under workshops/events on top of this page.
It would be an honor to meet and connect with you along the way!
“I believe that our task in this world is not to actively seek for Positivity, Enthusiasm, Laughter, and Joy, but only to seek for the barriers within, that you may have built against it”
Over 2000 people joined me!
Will you and your co-workers be the next one?
Amongst others, these companies have worked with me:


Henny facilitated an excellent, insightful, interactive, and above all relaxing session (virtual) for our global team. Can highly recommend it!
- Matthijs (Shell)
A different, but definitely inspiring view on well-being. Not the typical mindfulness stuff, what makes it refreshing!
- Marijke (Adyen)
What a funny, enthusiastic and positive lady Henny is. She has the ability to make information on the brain easy to digest and most importantly fun, which makes it a joy to listen to her
- Kelly (Pura Vida Retreats)
In The Press


A deep longing for expressing the real me has led me to the path of self-transformation and Yoga-Meditation.
Many choices I made in life were driven by the need to meet familial and societal expectations, such as driving a certain car, living in a high-end neighborhood, falling in love with a particular kind of guy, going to Law school and becoming an international lawyer.
For years this was how I rolled. Always focussed on the ‘next big thing’, constantly feeling restless, difficulty sleeping and not able to enjoy the moment.
I seemed to be pretty happy with it, until at some point, I got vague, physical complaints. A profound desire to get rid of them, made me explore and experiment with other healing methods. Many things came on my path, but Yoga and meditation stuck.
They helped me make the shift from my head to my heart. Most of my energy was centered in my head, leading to an overactive and overthinking mind. I was always on and had trouble to unwind, find rest and connect to the real me.
Nowadays, I'm grateful to conclude that my energy is much more divided between my head and my heart. In my heart I’ve found the gateway to the real me, listening and acting upon what I truly want and get out of this life, using my mind as a tool to create this.
My head and my heart established a friendship, which reflected itself in the world around me. I found true love, became a mother twice and got some great new jobs. Still in Law, but with more purpose.
Last but not least, I finally found my passions: Yoga, Leadership and modern meditation for busy people. As no other I understand the struggle of being and staying zen in a hectic environment.
A passion from which I deeply hope to be able to share it with more and more people every day given the enormous benefits it had and still has for me. From this -Happy with Henny- is born to inspire you from within the corporate world itself , and provide you with a smile that is so contagious that (y)our whole world lights up with it.
Can’t wait to meet you and share my passions with you.
With gratitude,
Science of Well-Being (Yale University)
2017 - 2021: Energy Reading Education (Resonance Amsterdam)
2020: Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Training (Yoga & Ayurveda Center New Jersey (US))
2020: Buddhism & Modern Psychology (Princeton University)
2020: Shamanic training
2019: Happiness & Fulfilment course (Indian School of Business)
2016: Intuitive development course I (Resonance Amsterdam)
2015: Intuitive development course II (Resonance Amsterdam)
2014: Mindfulness course
2003 - 2008: International Tax Law LL.M
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